In a World full of Misery, Kindness can be the Cure!

The world is suffering from misery where everyone is busy with their lives and ignorant about the difficulties surrounding them. While the world is suffering everyday, a simple act of kindness can change the misery bin someone's life.
Here are 8 ways you can be Kind and bring a Change to the World!
  • Talk to someone who is shy. you might have noticed people standing alone at events away from the crowd trying their best to fit in but can't. Try talking and getting to know them. This will come in as a huge confidence booster for them and will give you the self satisfaction helping out a shy person to fit in.
  • Donate to a social cause. As people are suffering around the world with various reasons, a simple donation from your earning might give them a relief from their sufferings and give them a sign hope for something good ahead.
  • If someone is suffering from depression, make sure you make them believe that you are here for them and show them the positive side of the world and there is still hope. Depression can be clinical if ignored and your simple act of kindness can save someone from giving up their life.
  • Say sorry even when its your fault. People have real bad days and a small mistake by them restricts them to accept their mistake and react to it with complete rage. You can show them the good sign by saying sorry even tough its not your mistake and cause no more misery to them.
imagecredit: Evil night
  • Smile at strangers without being awkward. You will be surprisesd to see the number of smiles you get back. You could unknowingly put a smile on someone's face who was having a bad day.
  • Give that aggressive driver a smile and let him go ahead. It will give him the satisfaction that he actually won something, on the other hand you just avoided an unnecessary act that would have killed your mood.
  • Listen and don't ignore. If someone is talking to you with things that seem childish to you, listen to what he is saying without ignoring him. Don't let your maturity ruin someone else's day.
  • When you are about to react to something with a hot head, imagine yourself in their shoes and then try to argue. A simple realization can avoid you hurting someone.
imagecredit: Evil night
Being kind does not cause you any harm. Instead it might just help you heal yourself and give you the emotional peace that you require while also making someone's day.