National Education Day! A tribute to a Legend!

11th November every year is celebrated as the National Educational Day as it commemorates birth anniversary of a freedom fighter and India's first Education Minister, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad . He fought for the country's freedom and also was awarded with the Bharat Ratna in 1992 from his exceptional contributions both as a educationist and a freedom fighter.

Maulana was a scholar in Arabic, Persian and Urdu. He also advocated for the retention of English being the official language for educational purposes. He also believed that education should be imparted in the mother-tongue.
The ex-minister was a firm believer in free and compulsory education for all the children up to the age of 14. He also supported women's educated and always believed that education has no gender.

Not just primary education, Maulana played an important role in promoting culture and literature through education. He is also credited with the establishment of IITs and also laid foundation to the University Grants Commission for higher education throughout the country.
School's pay tribute to the legend with speeches given about his journey that inspired and brought modern education to India. Various programs are organized to emphasize the importance of education and raise awareness among the people about how it plays a crucial role for the country.

Hence, National Education Day is a tribute to the legend Maulana Abul Kalam Azad who laid the foundation of education system in an Independent India. Keep educating Yourself!